EnerKíte News
10 Sep

Etwas großes kommt auf dich zu!

Jetzt wird es revolutionär! Wir starten den Vorverkauf mit unserem brandneuen, bahnbrechenden Anlagendesign auf der Wind Energy Hamburg – und du kannst von Anfang an dabei sein! Nach dem Erfolg
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13 Feb

TechnoHyb project meeting at the OHLF Wolfsburg

EnerKíte took part in the 3rd TechnoHyb project meeting at the OPEN HYBRID LABFACTORY research campus in Wolfsburg last week. EnerKíte is working as part of the project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
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We harness new wind potential with kites

Power Generation
The pulling force of the kite is converted into electricity on the ground
With EnerKíte
Harvest steady strong high-altitude winds
Cables and ground station instead of towers and foundations
Mobile Usable
Also productive in locations with lighter winds

High altitude winds are stronger and steadier

More energy yield

Our airborne wind energy systems deliver twice the annual yield in comparison to a conventional wind turbine of the same rated power.

Eliminating the tower and foundation

With EnerKíte, you save 90% on steel and concrete and improve your CO₂ footprint.

Reduced impact on the landscape

Our kites have larger operational height, smaller blade area and do not require tower structures.

Power generation with EnerKíte

Cyclic generator operation

During the harvesting phase, the wing follows a figure-eight path in the wind, which produces large forces that pull cables attached to drums in the base station. A generator converts the rotation of the drums into electricity (G). As soon as the wing reaches the cable's end, it glides back to the initial height. The cabels are rewound with minimal energy input, and the cycle repeats again.

Maximum yield from the air

Every gram saved, increases the yield

We combine a skinned carbon fibre rib structure with a semi-rigid design - i.e. we do not transfer the forces centrally, but via several contact points on the wing. As a result we reach the optimum of low wing weight, durability and exceptional aerodynamics . EnerKíte is the highest-yielding airborne wind energy concept currently under development.

1 Internal carbon fibre structure
2 High performance aerodynamics
3 Aitborne data unit
4 Outer membrane cladding
5 Tethers

Ultra light and durable our Kítes consists of a carbon skeleton covered with a membrane-skin

Maximum robustness on the ground

Withstanding the environment and weather ensures safe operation without exception


The base station contains the electrical system with inverters, drives, battery. Atop the base station it holds a central rotating arm for take-off and landing. The arm holds the mast, cable guide, drums, as well as a generator and gearbox.

The wing remains as light as possible, while complex mechanics and electronics are implemented on the ground, where weight and space requirements are not as critical.

1 Kite docking device
2 Mast
3 Tether drums with gearbox and generator
4 Central control unit
5 Electrical converter
6 Battery system

The wind turbine of the future - durable yet mobile .

Fully automatic take-off and landing with a rotating mast

The system operates fully automatic and can be monitored remotely. To achieve maximum energy yield, we have eliminated propellers and motors from our wing. Instead, we developed a unique launch system that enables take-off even without any wind at ground level: the rotating launch. A rotating mast pulls the wing to heights with sufficient wind. The same principle is also used for landing, where the wing approaches the base station in a circular flight and docks onto the mast.

Fully automatic take-off and landing with a rotating mast

The operation of our systems is fully automatic and remotely monitored. In order to achieve maximum energy yield, we have eliminated the need for propellers and motors on our wing and instead developed a unique launch system that enables take-off even when there is no wind on ground level: the rotating launch. The wing is pulled by a rotating mast to heights with sufficient wind. . The same principle is used for landing, where the wing approaches the ground station in a circular flight and lands on the mast.

Always be informed

Stay up to date on the latest developments at EnerKíte and the aviation wind power industry in general.

Three steps into the megawatt class

Consistent scalability is the premise of our concept

Technologically sophisticated development requires gradual scaling into the megawatt class. On the way there, we are bringing selected system sizes to production maturity. Electricity generation costs are expected to fall with larger systems, meaning that EnerKíte offers cost benefits in all output ranges.


100 kW, < 10 ct/kWh


500 kW, < 5 ct/kWh


2 MW < 3 ct/kWh


100 kW, < 10 ct/kWh


500 kW, < 5 ct/kWh


2 MW, < 3 ct/kWh

We triple the economically usable land area

Around 80 % of the world's land area offers sufficient wind for the economic operation of an EnerKíte plant.


On only 25% of the land area, the wind supply allows for the economic operation of conventional wind turbines. For small wind turbines, the figure drops to as low as 8%. Our turbines can be operated economically on around 80 % of the land area, which triples the potential of wind power and enables every country to harvest wind energy.

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From on-site supply to multi-megawatt power plants

Our systems are used in various applications


Autonomouse Applications: Save network charges by meeting your energy needs for electricity, heat and mobility all year round with EnerKíte.

Utility & MW Scale Market

Multiply the energy yield of existing photovoltaic or wind farms with the lowest electricity generation costs using the EnerKíte megawatt system.

Off grid and islands

Massively reduce diesel consumption, save costs and increase resilience by using EnerKite equipment in off-grid applications.

Autonomous Applications
Autonomouse Applications: Save network charges by meeting your energy needs for electricity, heat and mobility all year round with EnerKíte.
Utility-Scale MW-Scale Markt

Massively reduce diesel consumption, save costs and increase resilience by using EnerKite equipment in off-grid applications.

Off grid and islands
Megawatt-Applications: Multiply the energy yield of existing photovoltaic or wind farms with the lowest electricity generation costs using the EnerKíte Megawatt system.

Investiere in eine Technik, die zukunftsfähig ist

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The Company EnerKíte

A cohesive and highly skilled team with industry expertise

Top reasons for an


The market for independent and renewable energy is growing steadily, and innovative solutions are needed more urgently than ever in view of the tense political and climate-critical global situation. EnerKíte brings a decisive advantages in the face of these challenges:

Low-cost electricity

Thanks to the low material input and the highly efficient energy generation from our ultra-light kite, electricity costs can be reduced to 3ct/kWh in the scaling of the future MW class.


Our container-based technology is mobile and flexible. Easy to transport and quick to set up without foundations, EnerKíte can easily be used in remote locations, and can even be placed temporarily.

Base load capability

The EnerKíte harvests steadier and stronger high-altitude winds at altitudes of up to 300m, and can generate energy even in light winds thanks to our ultra-light kite.

Realisation of the take-off and landing system
Thanks to your support in our first crowdfunding campaign, we were able to develop the automated launch and landing system of the EnerKíte, and in turn realise one of the core components of our technology.
Technical proof of concept
The second crowd-funding round then brought us to the proof of concept, which demonstrates the EnerKíte's fully automatic operating cycle. This includes the rotational take-off, the transition to the harvesting phase, the figure-eight harvesting flight, as well as the return flight and automated docking onto the mast.

Reaching this milestone marks the beginning of EnerKíte's transition from the development of our technology to market entry.
Product development of the EK100

After the decisive progress that we were able to make in the first two rounds thanks to your support, we are now going full steam ahead with the product development of the first series product, the EK100.

Our business model was found to be sound, the design drawings for the prototype are ready, the production hall in Brandenburg has been found and pilot operation with customers is planned.

Join EnerKite now and help us make our vision of green, affordable and globally available energy a reality!

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us directly. You can reach us at or +49 30 9854077-0.

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